Thursday, October 14, 2010

T.S. Elliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

"Shall I say"                                        Line 70
"Should I"                                            Line 79

In The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, the narrator portrays his dual sides, one that is rather social and easy going, as opposed to his highly dubious side. Author T.S. Elliot utilizes short two to three word phrases such as "Shall I Say" and "Should I" to demonstrate is indecisive personality. "Prufrock" proclaimed all of his insecurities by the tone in his short word phrases leading up to his bold statements. However, "Prufrock" clearly exhibits his indecisiveness by his constant uncertainty in himself. He constantly puts himself down negatively and never thinks the best of himself, as well as expressing his very self-conscious  nature. In addition, he is persistently unable to live up to the bold statements which he arrogantly makes. 


  1. You make very valid points, Anurag. And I completely agree when you say that the narrator is dubious, I think that is the perfect word to describe him. The side of him that is indecisive and expresses so much doubt is very clearly portrayed in this poem and I think you used the perfect quote to fully display it.

  2. Anurag, this is a great example you used to show Prufrocks indecisiveness. Throughout the whole poem Prufrocks constant editing of what he is saying and all the juxtaposing statements he says, in addition to indecision, demonstrate his as you said, self-consciousness. Great example and great idea.

  3. Anurag, you make some excellent points. I think we all know that Prufrock is definitely insecure about himself, and because of that often questions himself and his authority. Because of this, he is completely indecisive, not only about his opinions and views on different subjects, but about his character. I love how you called him "dubious", this is a perfect word to describe him.

  4. Wow! Absolutely amazing! Such a great analysis about Prufrock's indecisiveness. I completely agree that Prufrock is utterly indecisive and is always beating himself down and being very self-conscious. And he does not live up to the bold statements ever.
