Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mr. Collins... Hmm?

In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Collins is viewed as a very comedic character who can be laughed at constantly. However, in real life he would without a delay be portrayed as a cruel nightmare. DW Harding makes the connection of Mr. Collins as a caricature to play out his comedic role. For instance, when he advises the Bennet's on the situation about Lydia, he believes they should completely cut her off for leaving, clearly missing the point that the Bennet's have no intention in doing so. One can see the harsh nature of Mr. Collins by his depicted actions, but because of the connection to a caricature which DW Harding makes, his humorous and full of wit personality is the only one we are aware of.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


In Pride and Prejudice, Austen distinguishes each character’s true personality by introducing them in a unique manner through gossip shared among other individuals and anazlyzing the character’s actions, intending for the reader to create his own perspective of the character.

What is the most important aspect of an Essay?

I believe the most important aspect of an essay is the thesis statement. Even though it is just one sentence out of many in an essay, it holds the most importance as the basis of an essay. The thesis needs to direct all ideas and points that will be discussed in the essay very thoroughly without giving away to much information. It should be very specific; however, not give away any concrete examples that will be mentioned later on. For instance, in the student sample essay A for Alfi, the author establishes that he will be making connections with the characters in Pride and Prejudice to “good lists” and “bad lists”. Therefore, we know what he will be talking about and we won’t be confused about the context of the essay.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Response to 'Character Intro' Essay Comments

First, my main idea/point that i tried to articulate i thought was pretty strong, however, i need to do a better job in expressing the point more thoroughly. I thought i did bring up some strong ideas, for example (3rd paragraph), but i need to work on mentioning the points earlier on in the essay (intro), and expand them in the body paragraphs. For instance, I never did mention the misinterpretation of Darcy's true nature in my intro paragraph, when it is more or less the main point in my third body paragraph. Grammar wise, i only had a few mistakes, one being the repetition of a word. Lastly, I do agree i need to work more on active voice sentences as opposed to passive voice, and as a result i think my 'word choice' in the sentences will improve.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pride & Prejudice Sample Essay Response 1

Essay C: From the onset, the writer makes it very clear who he is going to write about, Mrs. Bennet, and does a great job in leading into the introduction of the topic. He mentions he is going to be making a reference to Mrs. Bennet and base the essay off of her and never really gets side tracked. Throughout the essay, the writer constantly refers every argument/point stated directly back to Mrs. Bennet, only strengthening the analysis. However, i do think the thesis is a bit to long and could be shortened. I also think the thesis is too vague in that the writer does not state the gist of what will be discussed in the essay. She rather illustrates the reasoning behind Mrs. Bennet's "big mouth" besides outlining the essay for the reader. The writer does bring up good points in the body paragraphs but nothing that refers back to the thesis.