Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mr. Collins... Hmm?

In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Collins is viewed as a very comedic character who can be laughed at constantly. However, in real life he would without a delay be portrayed as a cruel nightmare. DW Harding makes the connection of Mr. Collins as a caricature to play out his comedic role. For instance, when he advises the Bennet's on the situation about Lydia, he believes they should completely cut her off for leaving, clearly missing the point that the Bennet's have no intention in doing so. One can see the harsh nature of Mr. Collins by his depicted actions, but because of the connection to a caricature which DW Harding makes, his humorous and full of wit personality is the only one we are aware of.

1 comment:

  1. Anu made a great point by bringing up the example of giving the advice to the Bennets. Collins is clearly a nightmare we all laugh at.
