Monday, September 27, 2010

Response to 'Character Intro' Essay Comments

First, my main idea/point that i tried to articulate i thought was pretty strong, however, i need to do a better job in expressing the point more thoroughly. I thought i did bring up some strong ideas, for example (3rd paragraph), but i need to work on mentioning the points earlier on in the essay (intro), and expand them in the body paragraphs. For instance, I never did mention the misinterpretation of Darcy's true nature in my intro paragraph, when it is more or less the main point in my third body paragraph. Grammar wise, i only had a few mistakes, one being the repetition of a word. Lastly, I do agree i need to work more on active voice sentences as opposed to passive voice, and as a result i think my 'word choice' in the sentences will improve.

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